Mica's PGP public keys
There are two key-blocks included here, one of active key[s] and one of revoked ones (please update your key rings), corresponding to this address: blueness-AT-gmx-DOT-net. (If you write to this address, please use my full name, as it is given in the user ID of the keys -- without the "comment" part, if any!)
Now you may mouse the button down (carefully) and choose what you prefer to. Thank you!
[ If you use a text-only browser pick up the key block here: .pgp .asc .txt
and/or use text-only menu ]
Properties of the included keys are following:
RSA v4 2048/3104
Created: 2002-05-04 / 2006-09-28 Updated
Key ID: 0xC452DBFC (jinjin)
Fingerprint: 3F18 C1E3 B809 4E21 64FE A414 B4A9 1EF1 C452 DBFC
RSA v4 3296
Created: 2006-08-12 / 2006-09-28 Updated
Key ID: 0x4EBA5486 (ottts)
Fingerprint: 966F 1506 84EF A6C9 7EB9 037C D049 6801 4EBA 5486
RSA v4 1056
Created: 2006-10-27
Key ID: 0x50D5C13B (mmmm)
Fingerprint: 42AC 62DD 5F2C 7680 9CA9 E029 0616 9E51 50D5 C13B
Please note that I do not want any of these keys above uploaded on any keyserver around.
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DH/DSS 2048/1024
Created: 2003-12-31 / 2006-08-12 Revoked
Key ID: 0xB2FB98F1 (pgpbot)
Fingerprint: 5C7E 2591 6760 8614 F372 ED23 BEF3 AAA8 B2FB 98F1
DH/DSS 2048/1024
Created: 2004-06-01 / 2006-08-12 Revoked
Key ID: 0xF7775EE2
Fingerprint: 7BD2 804E AB4A 2C72 56B2 3A49 F6AE B640 F777 5EE2
DH/DSS 3072/1024
Created: 2005-03-16 / 2006-08-12 Revoked
Key ID: 0xF24875DA (jinjin~)
Fingerprint: A9A1 A53F 4813 42C2 0ABE 6406 F247 B545 F248 75DA
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